Eliana - Martina Landi


Martina Landi was born on March 22, 1991 in Luino, Italy.


Martina got her high school diploma at the A. Frattini Art School of Varese and then attended the Italian Institute of Photography in Milan.


She is an amateur photographer driven by passion.


Martina Landi likes portraiture, light, and to capture naturalness without filters.


“I like to question beauty standards and social environments.”


“These photos belong to my personal archive, I present to you a dear friend of mine: Eliana on instagram: elianarumiatti_photo she is also passionate about photography I try teach her what I know.”


You can see more of Martina’s work on her instagram profile martina_landi_photograply

On PhotoVogue: https://www.vogue.it/en/photovogue/portfolio/?id=90728

On Iconic Magazine: https://www.iconicartistmagazine.com/m-portfolio/martina-landi

Freak, out!


Rahel Gölzner


If not now, when? - Imma Papicchio